Monday, April 9, 2012

Schneider Weiss Tap 6

Alc %:8.2
Brewery:G Schneider & Sons 
Tap/Bottle?:bottle, 500ml
Where/When:Home, April 2012

Pours dark with off white head. Lots of head bubbling over.
Rich currenty fruits on the nose with a bit of alcohol.
Spicey (but not hot) clove, a nice touch of wheat- it is a wheat beer after all. It reminds me of a Xmas beer I had once- it's got that about it.
Something about this reminds me of wine also.
This is pretty unique for a wheat beer in my experiance- although I do admire it for it's uniqueness it's also  got traits that just don't appeal to me, namely clove. So I give it 6/10.

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